Friday 25 November 2016

Yet another 'also ran'.

"Are we too caring". Is caring a normal human response or is it something we pay lip service to as a way of ameliorating our collective conscience.
In normal conversation in the pub or the supermarket, one rarely hears people racking their brains to moralise around the needs of "others".   It's a concept that is only discussed by the intelligentsia in their poking around, as they do, on subjects that seem beyond or irrelevant to us in our daily lives. Extraneous subject matter, racial slights, homophobic slights, gender slights are often the chaff of media as it allocates its precious time. Driven by a metronomic editor who, behind the scenes is prompting the interviewer to move on or be more incisive and we are left with the usual, "bits and pieces" of partly digested conversation.

This use of a liberal social agenda to propagate a "do or don't" instructive backdrop to virtually all we hear and read is meant to be educational but in fact is destructive. It turns people off because it's prescriptive, it talks down to the population as a whole, people who have more common sense in their tiny finger than the bog standard media type who's claim to fame has been the university path and, as is usually the case these days, a heft help from the society they grow up in, the private school. You will find it hard to find people in journalism and still more, in the visual media who don't come from that 7% private school population who go to what we call perversely, 'public schools'. Given that all the top echelons of the civil service, most of the ministers and prime ministers, and a preponderance of the CEOs CFOs and Board members in general also come from this precious gene pool, is it any wonder the general population feel so excluded, so manipulated and lied to. 
If you work on the principle that these social variances within society are the interesting case studies of a social science curriculum, based on "righting wrongs" then is it any wonder they get such a profound amount of air time.
And is it any wonder the ordinary Joe in the street begins to wonder what happened to "his story".   Is it any wonder that he becomes a fully paid up sceptic, that he looses faith in ever getting a hearing once he become an 'also ran' in the 'commiseration' stakes.

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