Thursday 10 November 2016

Having the time and space to grieve

Its an interesting concept this twin agenda women felt in the American election. The election to office of President but even more so, the election of a woman to hold that office.
The need felt by women to express their gender as equal and in many cases superior lies deep in their fibre. Largely men don't trouble themselves over these issues, a man or a women will elected, may the best person win but women who have thought of themselves as being dealt "second best" quite rightly feel that at moments when their team embodiment of who they are, a women, they feel even more cheated than just the political aspect and you could see it in their tears and the frustration in their voices.
Of course anyone could claim the discriminatory card. Black people could and do. Disabled people with more room for argument than most, could and do. Religions discriminate against each other (it's fundamental to who they are). The red heads versus the blond, the tall versus the short, the fat versus the thin. And lately the white male left behind in the dust buckets of towns that until 20 years ago were thriving.
Where ever you have difference you have competition, you have alliances and you have enemies and you invariably pick grievance as a way of expressing yourself
But there is no right way or wrong way, we are dealing with a human condition which notices the difference and seeks comfort from grouping together with others of similar disposition. Of course the very act of doing so only entrenches the sense of difference, with each grievance amplified in the group. The world seen through this prism becomes distorted by which ever  "ism" you are in, my grievance caps your grievance and a merry old contest of entitlement begins.
So as the tears flow they should consider the elections and human rights which they take for granted are seriously missing in two thirds of the world and, with such a large catchment, its astounding luck that that you have the time and sensitivity to worry about such things.

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