Friday 18 November 2016

We are in for a bumpy ride

The image Donald Trump's family must have of him. He can walk on water.
His whole life has been one of attaining goals, mainly wealth seeded by his real estate father who built houses and housing estates, who lived a conservative success story, nothing remotely glitzy, nothing over the top like his son, even the family home was of a design which he used in this estates only a little larger.
His son, brash and extravagant recognised the importance of image of creating a name. The Trump name is everywhere bold brash extravagant it epitomises the splendour of being rich. Emblazoned on his buildings, on his plane and his golf courses, it's his name. There is no subtlety, it's the foot print of a giant, it's meant to impress you by the message it evokes, "We are special".
As he builds his real estate deals he takes no prisoners. He's rough tough and brutal with those who would oppose him, with litigation his favourite course of action.
His ability to conceptualise or rather, put his stamp on a project, I would suspect, is more, having found a 'trade mark image', right down to the bath taps he repeated the story over and over again. Much as it is said of the Hilton Hotels. They are all so similar across the world you have to remind yourself which country you are in since the decor in the room's, the hotel foyer, the restaurants are all planned to a standard. Even the people running them are trained to be the same, a sort of plastic cut out automated by head office to provide the Hilton experience.
Trumps success is to repeat alchemy in his buildings it's a quality the rich find attractive. The importance of the address, the sort of person you meet in the lift, the opulence and the exclusivity. A irresistible concoction for those who can afford it.
His trophy brides, are the benefit a rich man gives himself at the end of a hard day.
His children raised in a hot house of real estate deals, of over the top flamboyance, of working within the Trump dynasty and learning that power is a tremendous aphrodisiac they have been trained in the art of being a Trump.
His decision to become the next President of the United States was probably taken as an egotistical challenge. It was doable so long as you put into place the pieces needed to succeed. This time the real estate was the United States of America, the goal was to fallow the plan, leave no stone unturned in the reality extravaganza to capture the White House. His constituency were the people who would never dream of owning an apartment in one of his buildings but unlike the political establishment which he intended to challenge, who rarely looked outside their political bubble he knew the men and their families who were desperate to be heard, they were close to his construction workers, they were the warp and the weft of his empire.
Like a game show host,  promise them what they wanted to hear, jobs and stability, turn back the clock and become the inward looking power house they had been before the industrial capacity had been traded by Wall Street to the East. His pull was a simple message, why try to be everything to all people when the ones who count are back home rotting for lack of work. The real devils in his view were firstly the Libertarian policy makers followed by the financial guys who lived in a "no ones world" other than their own.
That robotic, posturing, aimlessly gesticulating woman who seemed like one of those battery adverts as she repeated time and time again the same old gestures which made her seem as false as the proverbial "two bob watch" was seen as implicitly establishment.  Intransigent, uncaring, idealistic but idealistic on the grand scale which seemed to provide no place for the homegrown individual American.
As the democratic mayors in certain major cities, proclaim their defiance of Trump, threatening to defy his proclaimed aim of rounding up "illegal" immigrants and deporting them en masse, you have the the absurdity of the 'humanitarian mind set' and the intolerance of the 'nationalist agenda' clash. Idealism v pragmatism, a conflict as old as mankind with no real solution.
We are in for a bumpy ride

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