Tuesday 18 October 2016

What does it mean to be - anti semitic

Is it possible in this country to be anti Semitic ?
The confusion arises in the concept of, 'who are the Jews' who are protected by reason of our race laws, which protect people of race being collectivised and critiqued.
Are the Jews a nation, or a specific race of people. If they are a race and notwithstanding what the Old Testament says about them being Gods Chosen People, then they come from an Arabic genetic pool and therefore, if we criticise any Arab nation as a group,  we are applying the same sort of racism. 
If the Jews are a nation and have 'parliamentary representation', through their Knesset, then the actions of their parliamentarians can be criticised.
The Holocaust was such a dreadful event, a deep  scar in mankind's history, (along with the millions murdered in the Soviet Union by Stalin, in China by Moa Tse-tung, Pol Pot  and the butchery which still goes on in Africa), that world opinion gave them special rights.

The Nazi campaign against the Jews was a madness which stunned everyone especially as one saw news reels of the people in the concentration camps as the Allies swept over Europe, living skeletons, people made inhuman by others who had total power and felt themselves invulnerable.

The genius and special talent of the Jewish people has always played an important part in the economic direction in many countries and because economics has a role in apportioning the wealth of a country and the equity its people receive, the poor outcome of their involvement taints them.
It's no accident that Goldman Sachs, a largely Jewish led financial investment bank, tinkered with the financial fluidity regarding Greece and was a major contributor to the desperate condition the Greeks now find themselves in. The question is  can they be criticised as a bank but not as an institution led and influenced by Jewish thinking. 
One is not creating a catch all situation where every Jew carries the stigma of gross financial manipulation but one would be crass if one didn't equate the fact that many of the banks are run and owned by Jewish families and perhaps the one industry which has become mired in corruption is the banking industry.
The power of the Jewish lobby in the American Congress is well known. The power of the pork (which incidentally is amusing) meaning to vote which ever way the money lies is a constituent part of American politics, the power of the corporate largess to influence the political outcome is particularly strong in a fraternity who recognise their own race to the exclusion of others.
These sort of statements are rapidly becoming persona non grata in this country as the press and media hound out any sort of disquiet or criticism. 
At this very moment the Labour Party is being repeatedly brought to task for having anti semites amongst its members. Their anti Semitic statements are never broadcast for evaluation only the damming word "anti Semitic" which like racist, homophobe, sexist, are words which are enough to close down any further debate and in themselves are close to a sort of "totalitarian fascism".

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