Friday 14 October 2016

Trump v Trump

We have just had the second of the US Presidential Debates. I tuned into CNN to watch the show and listen to the commentary from the American pundits. 
What a glitzy bunch they are, each sure of their insights, each confirmed in their opinion. It's like all reality TV, It doesn't belong to my world or my experience.
They project shock horror at Trumps "locker room talk" as if they have just been let out of a session with the Holy Mother and are still conscious of their penance.
In the real world the 'rap singer' or the down town 'street talk' in Detroit are closer to real life than this fantasy world projected by the highly paid presenters  from the studio.
The studio churns out the sound bites. The studio projects an assimilation of political views which are the cognition of hours of careful refinement. They are unimpeachable views, they pass all the tests for being un-inditable, they are devoid of reality, they are meaningless in the real world such as Down town Detroit.
People, real people, not these 10,000 dollar suits, understand the talk that goes on in, not only the locker room but at the hens nights  or in the playgrounds at school. It's ridiculous to deny otherwise and yet these 'made up' artificial  representatives of society, the contrived spokes person who elevate 'pomposity' to unheard of heights, struck a tone of shock and condemnation which was out of all proportion to the stupid things this braggart Trump says. The real issues are high jacked by the political correct jackasses who have somehow become the repository of public opinion, whilst real public opinion is holding its breath to hear anything meaningful regarding the conditions they are forced to live under and which the President elect is gathering votes on the assumption he/she can do something about them.

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