Friday 6 May 2016


This process of exploding into life through the genetic sequencing of cells from an embryo into a baby and then through the various stages of life through to death wiping the slate clean of that specific existence is hard to take. It's the source of all religious belief in that religion places us outside the human state into a coexistence with God. God and his family, which includes us has a purpose which in the cold light of day the description of our biological travel doesn't.
As we develop a sense of who we are the biological us is supplanted by the mental image of us  which is continually developing as we grow and develop through our external experiences. The who we are crosses from the human, to the mental assumptions we make of ourselves and there's no end to the complexity in that process.
Therefore the question of who we are has twin paths one which grows and becomes more complex as we grow older and we spend more time with ourself and the other path the biological path which sadly is a slow trail of disintegration from about our late teens early twenties and we begin to loose more cells than we replenish, in purely biological terms we start to die.
Growth on the one hand disintegration on the other what a bummer. Who wrote that script ?
Coming to terms with the truth and setting aside the wonderland of an afterlife, in which we keep our identity is difficult. They say you live on in your children and the memories your loved ones have of you but its pretty short change in the contentment stakes for this confident, all learning developmental creation we carry around in our own mind as to who we are, not to have some sort of immortality prize.
There is a notion that this, out of body concoction that we make of ourselves is not really out of body, it's foundation lies in the chemistry of the mind which is rooted in the brain, a very physical organ which dies along with the rest of us.
The spiritualists would have us believe we reach out to a collective spirit world which remains interconnected but separate but it all smacks of a religious phenomenon which is a surrogate to life 'in our fear of death'.
Maybe it is just so improbable, this story of our life and its importance to us. Maybe evolution got it wrong in developing our minds to think latterly about the consequences of this and that which led to a moral code and the search for answers. The story of Genesis, of right and wrong, of free will is a human concoction, man's attempt to define himself and distance himself from the other animals but in its trail of knowledge it tipped the balance in asking the one question that can never be answered. Why ?

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