Friday 6 May 2016

Anti Semitism

When is anti Semitism not anti Semitism.
As the Media Rottweilers were out today hysterically venting their anguish at certain members of the Labour Party for so called anti Semitic  comments which, it is adjudged, could, perhaps should be levelled at the Israeli government and the Zionist cause but must not include the Jewish nation because the Jews are a race, not a nation
Heaven forbid if the 'race card' is pulled out.
David Cameron, is an Englishman. The English are identified as a nation not a race, and therefore he and we can be pummelled by opponents as a member of a government, which includes us his collective national entity. 

Imagine the uproar if the British and their Empire was off piste because they represent a race of people.We taunt the French and the Germans and they taunt us but I have never heard a challenge made of inflammatory language towards us or them for doing so, but then again these are nations not a race. What a load of baloney !!!
The power of the Jewish lobby is everywhere and as these labour MPs surround their leader baying for him to chop off heads, it's amazing how many of them have Jewish/Israeli ancestry. 
I understand why a tribe feels it's identity is important, especially one with such a turbulent past but turbulence, as any engineer will tell you doesn't come out of thin air. Turbulence arrises when  natural conformity is challenged, when a society, any society or subset of that society sees itself disadvantaged in someway. When it feels there is a detached group of people in their midst who have their own agenda and are exclusive. 
The Jews are not inclusive, try marring one, they have their own code and set of values. In terms of the ultra orthodox then they are downright strange, practicing medieval segregation not only externally but within in their own race and worse, between man and the woman much in line with that other Middle Eastern Religion the Muslim faith. We are excluded from their contrivance of "Special Nation Status" in the eyes of God, is it any wonder their are questions asked of them.
Group think, which identifies the ideology of the media pack, makes us feel sullied by the special demands voiced and propagated through the media. Unusual behaviour is after all the trait of a religious identity and when it becomes overt, when it demands special status, when it asks us to review our own status in terms of freedom of speech, Jews or Muslims become an anathema to the secular world. 
In seeking  a special dispensation, the shrill insistence of a special place in the hierarchy of Man. We "the others" feel left out, let down but made very aware that we are on dangerous ground if we wish to dissent, let alone, 'heaven forbid', criticise.

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