Thursday 14 April 2016

Ouch that hurt

As we struggled with our first steps, it's  a moment along the path which we evolve and become who we are. There are other mile stones such as our first wobbly attempts to ride our first bike and like our first steps this ability to stay upright is, it is suggested a skill you never forget.

Even if it has been many years since you last rode a bike you normally have little trouble in sitting on the saddle and soon re remembering how to ride the damn thing.
It's as if the brain has a file in which the knowledge we once accumulated is readily available to be opened and checked. Motion it seems gives one the magic ability to stay upright.
Of course this magic is dependent on having access to the files locked away in the brain but if you find yourself surfing a wave of alcohol down those very corridors, the doors into the filing room remain locked.
Climbing on a bike after many years can mean you are keen to get fit. It could be the only way to get about if you had accumulated more than 10 points. Perhaps even it might be that familiar madness which, when having "one over the eight" causes some to stagger out of the pub, stumble onto a bike in the pub car-park and feel confident to give it a go.
Four wheels have at least a stabilising effect but two wheels requires a massive rapprochement. Something which, with the flexibility of youth one can get away with but when, with even the light touch of advancing time we stiffen up and our reactions are are not reactions, but clumsy reflections of what might have been. And then, to crown it all, somehow, a wall is thrown in our path !!  It can in retrospect seems difficult to fathom why we were silly enough to put our leg across the crossbar (please forgive the illusion) in the first place.
I hope the ego is more bruised than the shoulder and that the remarkable Irish sense of humour can smile a wry smile at the mysteries of a pint of Guinness.

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