Thursday 21 April 2016

Early to bed

I remember a number of years ago coming across a web site which if you answered a number of profile question it predicted how many hours and minutes you had before you died. The site was headed with a dramatic picture of the Grim Reaper equipped with scythe waiting patently !!

It all seemed so pertinent today on the Queens birthday. At 90 she still seems to be going strong and with her husband Prince Philip who I think is 96 she is the embodiment of a busy old person still fulfilling her responsibilities. 
Someone also made the comment, I think yesterday that how it shocked them to compute how much time they had left in this world and that when you computed it into hours it seemed so close so real, they felt they could possibly touch it !!
I suppose the next question what should we do with this precious commodity, "once departed may return no more".
The view that one should make as much use of the time as possible means different things to each person. Whether one should be out and about, possibly limiting one time sleeping ,burning the candle at both ends. Trips abroad sight seeing, or visiting old friends. Keeping a close relationship with ones own family or spending money and time finding excitement and unusual thrills. Eating out at good restaurants or helping other less fortunate than yourself. What about the passive thrill of reading or studying, what about seclusion and finding your own rhythm, learning to watch and use your eyes beyond the need to navigate, engaging in a world that is around you but in your hurry, you are oblivious that it's there.
Coming to terms with yourself, instead of that image you wished to project, learning that in essence no one really cares and that in your isolation you once more meet with the true you, as you were at a very early stage in your life.
It's not to say your relationships are any the less but that your relationship with yourself is paramount. It's only when we understand ourselves, set in the time bubble, do we find the contentment that an early night in bed brings.

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