Thursday 28 April 2016

Creating a wedge

It's simply called "creating a wedge". Clinton Crosby the Australian mastermind behind the Tory win in the last election (his tactic of creating the spector of the Scots SNP being the power behind the thrown if Labour won the election frightened the voters) was famous for advocating the tactic to divide the 'Opposition'  followers by quoting a 'mis-truth' and repeating it sufficiently often that in the minds of the listener it became a truth. Of course he had the willing help of two thirds of the British Press and Media to help him and given that people have so few places to go for the facts, they are suckers for a good story.
The latest wholesale piece of dishonest reporting has been on the Junior Doctors strike with the claim that the last and only barrier to a settlement is the question of Saturday pay.
Nothing is further from the truth. Rather there is a whole raft of disagreement waiting to be resolved but with an intransigent government negotiator in the form of the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, willing and able to defect the truth, then the case of playing hard ball with people's lives is for him a price worth paying.
He has form. He came to prominence in the saga of BSkyB when the Murdoch Group wished to consolidate their hold over the media in this country. Hunt was nominated by the government to act in a quasi legal brief to adjudicate in the matter but was discovered to have been negotiating with James Murdoch in an improper way given his position of impartiality. He lied then and he lies now. He is a man not to be trusted, glib and self assured he would sell out his grandmother if it propelled him nearer his goal of power.
The imposition of a contract on your employees, ripping the old one up and insisting on a new one which is radically different is a breach of workers rights. But it's just the sort of thing this "mother of parliaments" is capable of given the ideological agenda which the Tories clearly have to Privatising anything and everything. Health, doctors practices including the purchase and rationing of drugs. Schools with Academies replacing the overarching control and supervision of Local Government in favour of sponsored schools with total control of teaching and especially the curriculum the pupils will be taught. In this push toward this "brave new world" much of it predicated on the US where all neo conservatism has its roots, a little matter of the truth should never be allowed to get in the way.
If Europe has a founding grace it is that it is not based on the American model and has amongst its most glittering accomplishments, that it rests on the European ideal of the"Social Imperative" as the driver for any laws or policy enactment.
Perhaps this ideal is the clincher in the BREXIT debate ?

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