Tuesday 1 March 2016

Who have our best interests at heart

As always we are being asked to accept a truth which is not a truth but a fudge.
The call by the Tories, or at least the ones who say they are worried about our loss of sovereignty and the call to be individually able to support our values which, it is suggested, are not "our values" if they are fostered on us by the foreigners across the Channel.

 The values which purportedly are not ours are those old fashioned European ideas regarding the human status of individuals, both in the workplace and the home and of societies ability to recognise the importance of the surrounding humanity of which we individually are a constituent part.
To a Tory the importance of the 'bottom line' is reinforced by the superstition that we are a two tier society and that the different educational system on offer to the 'uppers' and the 'lowers', defines why the "Outers" would wish to rid us, as they see it, of the constraints that Europe wishes to place on the bosses to run their businesses as they feel they need to.
Many if not most leaders of commerce and industry prefer the American model of a free labour market free from constraint, free to exploit the capitalism that is virtually the only model in use today.
We have become one of the worst at educating our children which is the mainspring of life chances. We are comfortable in looking at that growing section of society which is poor and undereducated as it acts out our predictions by being uncouth and rowdy and like a Victorian Peep Show we can reduce ourselves to the lowest bear pit analysis of our fellow man and woman and revel in the fact that we are different.
The Capitalistic Market Driven economy where the Debit,and Credit are the only method of evaluating everything underlining the importance of "the bottom line" but forgetting  (if it ever knew) that value is more than just a profit !!
Market Laissez-faire practising what ever the market demands (the American way) is what many in the Conservative Party demand and the rules which float across the Channel are abhorrent to their sense of being in charge. The fact that they are in charge because their parents could afford to send them to Private Schools which then ensured their success is purely academic.
The Social Chapter which ensures protection from exploitation is a European concept, not one born in our own Parliament.
In our Courts, the legal right to protect our interests has under the Tories become unaffordable to the poor, with legal aid now only available to an ever decreasing band of litigation.
Controls continue to be abolished in terms of 'employment rights' and it is only the "rules" which the EU insist on that mark, like icebergs, sentinels in a sea of diminishing human concern which is being dismantled piece by piece as I write.

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