Tuesday 1 March 2016

The opposite sex

Those of you who are old enough to remember Pat Boon the singer in the 50s will remember the theme of virtually all his songs was, "young love" that hypnotic state we all entered into from time to time and which cast a spell on us in ways that is embarrassing to recall. 

I went to the pub this afternoon to watch the rugby. Standing at the bar I watched as the first game started, the arrival of some young guys and just afterwards  another guy and his girlfriend. The conversation between the men had been about the match, it was relaxed as they were engrossed in the game. The girl and her boyfriend arrived, he was obviously a mate of the other lads and in no time at all the conversation, and the centre of gravity, changed to centre around the girl. She wasn't particularly good looking, quite overweight in fact but she drew them in like a phantom Aphrodite with her smile and femininity.
The guys had planned to watch the main game England were playing Ireland but Aphrodite had plans to go shopping and "her" young man, although seemingly startled to learn what she had in mind for him, went along with her plan.
No amount of ribbing and there was a lot, would dissuade him, he was as the saying goes "cuckold"!!
What is it that bends  a chap from the familiarity of his mates to the uncertainty of feminine company with all the known pitfalls that can occur.
What is the trigger, the attraction, the allure that scrambles the mind to such an extent that he was prepared to miss a rugby match !!!
What, even more interestingly was it that captured the attention of his friends.
Is it sex. There was no sexual opportunity for the young-man's companions, he had marked her card and old fashioned chivalry precluded any of the others from moving in and yet, never the less she was the queen bee, with them all eating out of her hand.
Is it Testosterone or the pituitary gland accelerating the hormones to swaddle us in chemicals which have as their functionary basis, our in survival.
Is what we call love nothing more than a chemist reaction designed to keep the species afloat.
I'm sure Pat Boons lyrics, when we listened to them as we snuggling up close to our latest desire on the dance floor, added yet another example of that hypnotic power to the unanswered mystic of  the, opposite sex.

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