Tuesday 15 March 2016

Freedom of speech, freedom of thought

Freedom of speech seems to have so many caveats. The Labour Party is wringing its hands over the anti Semitism which has sprung up, particularly amongst the youth in its membership. It's leaders and the people who influence the PR aspect of the party are horrified to hear and by association feel themselves tainted by any criticism of the Jews but are also generally very twitchy about criticising any Minority issue. Minorities are the new Idol to focus on as we fight our way from the ills of our past.
How do we distinguish the Jewish community per se and separate that community from the behaviour of the Zionist Government towards the Palestinian people. How can we condone Netanyahu and the Likud Party and the actions of the right wing in the Knesset. 
The Jews as a minority have a special history, not only the horror of the Camps and the genocide practised upon them at the hands of the Nazi Party but also the pogroms in Russia the Ukraine and Poland. The causes were in part brought on by their separatism as a community from the communities in which they lived and also by their natural drift into the money trade which was seen by the ordinary people as being overly influential in the fluctuation in their lives and the prosperity of society as a whole. To trade in the 'commodity of exchange', money which was after all simply there as a measure or a value to barter for labour and not intrinsically, a marketable product itself. The 'money trade' set them apart. 
Listening to the fervour by which perfectly rational criticism is put down is frightening. We have become convinced that to criticise a minority is unholy and should be banished. We continue our search for the implementation of the multicultural society which our leaders have committed us to irrespective of our own desire and the strain we experience in accepting values which were forged in the furnace of political desire weighs heavily on our civil constitution.
Jewish people like any other have their good and bad within their race they contain some of the most gifted people on earth. From the brilliance of Einstein, to the artistry of Rubinstein or the single minded 'exploitative' mindset of Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs 
We should be free to call them to book when appropriate and not feel their history gives them any special dispensation.

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