Sunday 18 January 2015

Your country doesn't need you

People smuggling is big business.
£5000 for the trip across the Med' x 1000 people = 5 million pounds in pocket !
With the Syrian crisis there are millions waiting to escape the turmoil of Syria and there are millions behind them in the African queue. The world has changed and it's another Mafia controlled money making scheme which trades turmoil for the possibility to escape and a new life.

Europe is the beacon with its relatively settled economy, politically tranquil, it has a legal system which guarantees stability, three of the many things missing in their lives.
Given that the urge to escape is so strong can it, should it be opposed ?
Will all our lives be transformed if this wave of humanity arrives looking for a job ?
When I was growing up boarders meant just that. They were true demarcation lines between nations and to cross from one into another meant intrusive checking. It was accepted that nations had the right to ask questions and to turn away people it wished to. There was no moral opprobrium between nations it was accepted that it was your business who you allowed in and who you wished to exclude.
And then the Global Consensus boys got to work. A global economy had to have two things, free movement of goods and free movement of labour, boarders were an obstruction to this philosophy and had to come down. One way to change is to alter the 'mind set' of the people with a panoply of goodies since, like children we can be swayed with the concept of a treat.
Free movement of people became, the ease of getting around on holiday, just as the global economy meant, cheap goods and jobs abroad ? The down side that ones own job might be cheapened and that ones own industries priced out of the market was never mentioned except by people who were described as cranks or stick in the mud individuals who had failed to see the opportunities.
If you showed concern about the scale of the influx of labour and its effect on services such as schools, hospitals and housing you were charged with being racist.
As our hospital system now grinds to a halt, as our schools swell to bursting, as the market price for housing takes advantage of massive shortages the doom- sayer has been shown to be true.
Meanwhile the 'Changers' who ushered in cheap labour and a highly unstable, easily manipulated work force, ideal for the economy makers (Goldman Sachs) but far less so for the ordinary citizen who has to adjust to a life of lowering of living standards, the Changers have become the Masters of the Universe !
It was all predictable but the masses just like the poor buggers who marched away for Queen and Country and Lord Kitchener's call, "Your Country Needs You" must now face the fact that the reverse is true, "Your Country Doesn't Need You" !!!

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