Sunday 25 January 2015

Rational for going to war

One is struck by the potential repercussion arising in Greece, possibly in Spain, perhaps in Ireland as the conservative force the repression of the respective social structures in each country by the use of austerity and austerity alone for adjusting their respective balance sheets.
Syriza the Opposition Party in Greece seems set to win and become the new government in Greece. Their opposition to the German led austerity measures have been in force for five years and have led to massive deprivation within Greek society particularly amongst the poor.
The European Union led by Germany, is a bureaucratic system which is controlled by an unelected section of European society which smacks at old fashioned Feudalism, where everything was owned by a few and people were in hock to a small powerful oligarchy.
To overcome this "democracy" evolved to bring in the 'general populous' who were invited to vote and so effect their individual prospect. 

The global economy now over-rides the democratic principle, we have allowed an elite to brow-beat us with the principle of economic destruction if we don't coalesce in their grand scheme. One wonders if the wheels fell off the economic machine, prescribed by the Washington Consensus, whether the poor of this continent would be all that worse off. It's highly unlikely that the industrialists and the investors would take their toys home if the people voted for a dose of good old fashioned socialism again, socialism, a political view which puts the population at large back where it belongs, at the head of the agenda. 
But what about growth will be the cry from Davos. Growth, growth, the dreaded growth. Growth at any cost particularly the human cost since the concept of a 'trickle down economy' is well and truly shot to pieces as the top one percent (measured in thousands of people ) own fifty percent of the wealth whilst the other fifty percent is spread amongst the billions of us, the fall guys who are expendable.
In theory our vote is worth as much as anyone's vote. The multimillionaire carries no more clout than me into the ballot box. That vote is supposed to represent me and others, as to the type of representative government me chose to govern us. As we become poorer and have to rely on food banks and the seductive credit which subverts us essentially into being life long debtors, of having to sell their time and labour to who ever, irrespective of the individual strain on the fabric of family and inherently, society.
If we were to kick the habit bred into us of the short term, consumptive lifestyle and begin to construct our earning/spending function on other values such as the importance of having time to evaluate our passage through time and through the world at large, perhaps we would bring the economy back into "perspective", a perspective not seen from the boardroom but from a human perspective. 

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