Tuesday 27 January 2015

Ever more wealthy, ever more powerful

It strikes me repeatedly these days how we are in the grip of a massive fraud.
Wealth,economic growth, full employment, ultra low inflation and a populous that is nearly schizophrenic with the constant adjustment it has to make, on an annual basis, regarding its own economic security.
People have long since given up on the concept of value and rather consider a purchase, any purchase as therapy to prove they are still functioning within the distortion we describe as society. We worship at the alter of the shopping mall where retail therapy is the solution to jangled nerves and a frayed conscience. We fully understand the consequences of buying in a rag trade where prices have little or no relationship to the cost of manufacture. We happily load our Supermarket trolley with milk that is offered at below the cost the farmer has to pay to fill his pail and, as a consequence we become part of a bankruptcy and sometimes a suicide !!
We know all that and yet we fixate on the glamour of the footballers and their wives who, focused on Gucci are to be seen parading across the magazines like some idiosyncratic adolescent out on the town with Daddy's credit card. Knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Our world is corrupt from top to bottom. The legal profession offers platitudes about the importance of a secure legal framework for society which is attainable and affordable to everyone but see laws which, if broken by the ordinary man in the street would mean a jail sentence but for the wealthy are broken with impunity because they are protected.
The taxation rules and regulations that pertain to ordinary people are flaunted by the the massive globalised companies which no one, not even the national government can effect.
Learning that 1% of the worlds population hold the key to 50% of the worlds wealth, is
unprecedented as we listen to the media doomsayers decrying the left wing take over of the government in Greece.
We are told that only the 'conservative financial establishment', with their political masters and the 'Market' (corruption writ large) with its Short selling, its Leverage, its Futures, and its Arbitrage, not to mention Derivatives can save the day, but save it for whom?
Only they can save us from unemployment, rapidly dwindling money in our pockets and a debt mountain that our children and their children will still be paying for 50 years from now.
This new wealth (sic) has mystically been created by a slight of hand.
The banks through their own corrupt practices began to loose confidence in their own 'contrived' value and so, to prevent them from going under "our" Governments printed trillions of dollars, pounds and soon to be euro's (a massive rearrangement in world wide asset manipulation benefiting the 1%) so the money could be handed back to the Banks to revalue their balance sheet with money borrowed from the very people they are trying to fleece.
We wait in vain for the intended industrial reinvestment initiated through the banks re-lending us the money we gave them !!!
These Establishment figures, which in the case of Greece are touted as the only "safe pair of hands", are in contrast to the 'socially concerned' new government led by Alexis Tsipras, who almost universally is decried by the Worlds Establishment for saying "enough is enough". 
German led austerity has crippled his country, as it is doing in Spain and Ireland. Austerity will also deface this country but of course, it's austerity for the "underbelly" whilst the 1% grow ever more wealthy and ever more powerful.

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