Wednesday 18 June 2014

Squaring the circle

The cause of history is not well served by events that happen when we are not looking. Iraq is a case in point.
After the deposing of Saddam Hussein and his tyrannical hold over his people we started the experiment of democratising the country by initially disbanding the Bathe Party and the internal security forces to create a new untainted political arrangement in which the ballot box would chose the political dispensation. Unfortunately the society was not a balanced mature collection of voices but rather a religiously bias, between the majority Shia and the previous Hussein controlling minority Sunni group. With over 50% of the population being Shia and having been, sometimes brutally oppressed by the Sunni it is no wonder that on assuming democratic power the Shia had some scores to settle. The government of President Maliki backed by the Americans were sowing the seed for today's bitter civil war highlighted by the atrocity of the executions carried out yesterday by ISIS the extreme Islamic Jahidist Group. 

So now we wake up to another crisis, of an extremest Islamic State right in the centre of a fundamentally unstable area with, on its potential success, a draw card for many disenfranchised people to become affiliated with spreading the gospel, as it were, right to our own shores when young people go, from here to fight to ensure their religious bias and come home radicalised with a taste for blood.
Democracy is an ideal, as is 'minority rights' and whilst we in the West work ever harder to square the circle some older regimes prefer the circle to remain a circle. 

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