Wednesday 18 June 2014

Common values

As always, a source of mental liberation 'The Big Question' merits another mention.
The thorny problem of the indoctrination of our children at school was a topic drawn from the revelation that a number of Muslim schools in Birmingham had moved away from the national curriculum to preach values more in line with Muslim values. The question arises should the State allow any sort of deviance in what we teach, or should we all be singing from the same hymn book, (sorry for the pun).
There has been a sea change in our society over the last 20 years as we have tried to absorb people from many cultures and different opinions. Liberal to a fault we bend over backwards in acknowledging the 'others' point of view and have, in the interim become confused about our own values and whether we have the right to offer a view point if it might clash with someone else. We are the acknowledged worlds leaders in obfuscation and have lost our way in standing for specific values in fear of upsetting someone.
Our society is based on the Magna Carta, which its self was based on law and the importance of yielding to law in our everyday affairs. The law of the land was supposed to pertain to everyone and was the constituency for us all to be identified as a nation of people with common values.  
We have now  entered a period where we are asked to bend our concept of of what we feel intrinsically to be right or wrong and to try to accommodate cultural variances as if they were are own, when clearly they are not.
Multiculturalism is a political concept drawn from a need to bend and formulate structures to obtain a political end irrespective of local dissatisfaction. Politicians have ridden roughshod over the 'general consensus' for generations in the 'we know best' syndrome and the financial incentive which lies behind most of the decisions.
Much like the disastrous attempt by the Establishment of the day to draw arbitrary boundaries, particularly in the Middle East, without consulting the people who's lives were effected by the new but wholly 'contrived' nationalities, we have now in our attempt to impose another liberal concept, 'democracy' on these people awakened their dislike of the straight jacket a national boundary brings especially the trumped up concept of nationhood if founded on anything other than common values

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