Saturday 16 March 2013

Land of my fathers paying tribute to the sons of their mothers

The has to be few experiences in modern life that can compete with sport, the conflict, one on one, fifteen on fifteen, nation on nation.
In today's politically correct society where "confrontation" is denied and we are forced into turning the other cheek, irrespective of the slight, irrespective of the fault, we often go home humiliated and feeling that the law is an ass,
Only in sport has the PC brigade been refused entry, we can still confront each other and not be collared !!
The singing at the start of the English / Wales rugby match played in Cardiff rings the roof with a fervor that makes one think how remarkable the human spirit can be, when raised to a cause.
We have become used to being manipulated into a placid, compliant people, confused about our personnel rights, about our identity, about the massive changes to the
make up of our society. The cult of the individual being valued more than the collective, the slow dismantling, piecemeal of the National Health System, to privatise it and hand the doctors an open invitation to cream the society even more !!
Just to explain. The doctors now form an immensely strong element in the procurement of the drugs and of the services they recommend and administer to the patient. It is a licence to print money, not their money but the tax payers money as the doctor hold, not only their doctors licence but directorships in the companies that supply the services. Usually in business or politics you have to "excuse yourself" from the decision making if there is a conflict of interest but somehow this requirement, in such a prioritised industry as the nations health is ignored by the "privatise at any odds" Government we have at the moment.
Given all the confusion that people feel, the unhappiness they experience every day with unemployment, low wages, reduced employment rights and closures every week, the Welsh have their moment in the sun as they outplay England and of course, against you old enemy, it was twice as sweet.
The crowd sung their hearts out at the opening and are now wild with emotion as their team thrashed the ogre of old !!
"Land of my fathers" are paying tribute to the sons of their mothers.


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