Monday 18 March 2013

A brave new world !!

In Dickensian days, Fagin was a dark influence in the social mix of London as he trained children to pick peoples pockets.
I wonder how today's pickpocket, the government of Cyprus, will be portrayed when history is written. The government has broken an unwritten covenant that money held in your personal account, money on which taxes have been paid is not safe and can, at the will of a group of politicians be, in effect stolen !!
Cyprus has for a number of years been a centre of financial money laundering, particularly from Russia. The banks handled the huge inflow of money and laundered the money by buying Greek Bonds. As the Bonds became worthless so did the Cypriot banking system.

Bailing out the banks, will it ever end. Will we ever be free from the fear that our Capitalistic System is intrinsically ruined by the unidentifiable mountain of bad debt sitting, like a tumour on the banks balance sheet. We shift from makeshift solution to makeshift solution, printing money with no comparable asset base to value it by.  National debt balloons into unimaginable figures which bare no relation to the productive power of the nation and therefore no way of bringing the debt down.

Nations are beginning to loose their "national" characteristic as having an identifiable entity.
In a global perspective the world and the powerful companies and financiers behind them, have little or no allegiance to a country or its population. The globe is a checker board on which the chips (the factories) are moved around or favoured in an economic game that values a bottom line with no social element. We are just units of production, who's ownership is blurred by complex shareholdings, emanating from cultures that are often alien !!     This is a brave new world !!!                     

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