Saturday 16 March 2013

Business as usual

The pigeon hopped off, eventually the white smoke issued forth and we have a new Pope !! The faithful, packed into St Peters Square burst into cheers and whilst the rain continued to pour out of the sky the people were ecstatic, determined to ignore the weather, this was a life time experience for many having travelled from all parts of the globe to say, "we were there".
The resignation of the Pope Benedict was unparalleled and having decided to stand aside we had the spectacular scenes of a 21st century departure by helicopter, flying low over the ancient city of Rome, on his way to a Papal Retreat. The helicopter was followed by the camera crew flying alongside, swooping around, in front capturing the old Pope on his last significant journey with the city roof tops falling away below. It was magnificent theatre and I was fascinated by the simplicity of how well it was all organised without much pomp but a lot of circumstance.
The new Pope is from Argentina part of the South American see, where the bulk of the worlds catholic's come from. He is from the conservative school and there will be little movement towards a more liberal stance on homosexuality or contraception. The secretive power behind the throne , the Cura, will be content, business as usual !!  

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