Monday 18 February 2013

The Gay lobby

Watching the interrogation of a Catholic Bishop answering questions to a Select Committee of Parliament on a bill going through Parliament on Same Sex Marriage. I was disgusted at the sarcasm and thinly veiled contempt which the parliamentarians showed this translucent faith held by the Bishop.   
I am not a supporter of the Catholic Church but I hate bulling.
Gay people seem to be everywhere, when I say everywhere, I haven't met many on the "building site" but they seem to fill many rolls in the media and are a noisy segment in Parliament. This Secular lobby is quite brutish and its this brutishness that gets my blood to rise.
The Catholic Church has a chequered history but putting these aberrations  to one side for a moment, their belief in God and the word of God as passed down in the bible, is resolute. In this world of passing fashions and immediate gratification, the church stands like a lighthouse to the customs and beliefs  which people in a past, (not long ago), held with the surety that the sun rise.
There is now a growing secular movement which, because of their position and their power to postulate their views, makes then become the lead voice in the debate. They brook no opposition and are snarlingly indifferent to the views of the believers.
The issue of homosexuality has been steamrollered into our conscience
and we have been made afraid to voice our opinion if deemed to run against the gay lobby.
There was a time when our views were just our views. We could hold them, we could voice them, so long as there was no malice or hurt involved. We now have reached the stage where the reason for protecting the homosexual lobby has succeeded to such an extent that it is now the non-homosexual that needs protection.
It is extremely difficult for me to accept that homosexuality is "normal", which is what we are asked to believe. There has been the smokescreen of love.  this has become the basis of understanding that people of the same sex
can love each other and therefore this makes the union normal.
I think that evolution has shown that the animal kingdom has done a pretty good job of developing the structure and design, of the male and the female, to carry out their very necessary ability to procreate and ensure the continuance the species.  Gays in  mimicking  the sexual act have to resort to what I would consider an abnormal act and in doing so can only be described as abnormal.
The Catholic Church seems to be the only Christian church which stands firm on this matter whilst their fellow churches seem keen to follow the crowd, although I would contend that the actual "crowd", not the crowd projected by a biased media, has a lot of the catholic sensibility on this matter.   

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