Saturday 23 February 2013

The badge of being civilised

Having lost our credit rating from Moodeys, the credit agency on the basis that growth will continue to be inhibited, for at least a decade whilst our indebtedness will continue to remain high.
Growth is effected by the confidence which leaders of business  commit funds, which they hold on their balance sheets, to invest.
The other major factor is an overall lack of confidence in our main market, Europe.   In the private market, companies can not be forced to invest and our Government has no money to kick start the economy without raising our indebtedness to the sovereign fund market.
Well that's it then, game and match.
The money men through the guise of the banking industry developed a methodology that couldn't fail. Debt could be traded and therefore should be allowed, even encouraged, to grow so that ever greater profits could be made by the banks.
The bubble burst and we are where we are.
The money that had been pumped into the banks to build up their balance sheets, (money that came from us the tax payer), is not released to much of business' and then only on the most stringent terms.  The money held by the larger business organisations will not to be reinvested until there is a favourable upturn and is rather hoarded on their balance sheet. 

This only leaves the National indebtedness. 
How much easer to trim the Welfare State, reduce the "handout" and, low and behold, the books will balance. 
Of course there is a snag. "Business" now depends on these "handouts", (in the form of "benefits") paid to the poor  to bolster the low wages economy and continue the myth of self sufficiency that this ideologue, Capitalism, post Thatcher has created.

How deep will they hack into the fabric of the underlying safety net which we have become to accustomed to claim, is a badge of being civilised !!    

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