Sunday 22 July 2012

The "Under Class"

It has been an event in the making and we have ignored the signs at our peril. 
Much of what we witness today has its roots back in 1947 when the Attlie government, for economic reasons dressed up an immigration scheme with the lofty ideals of a "thank you" to the countries of the Empire for the effort and the sacrifice they, through their people, had made in the war against Hitler.

Economics  was the actual driving force. So many men had been lost and industry needed labour. 

Australia had a similar problem and instituted a £10 package to emigrate. It was mainly directed at the UK, the Mother Country,  as she was known then and it drew on a stock of people who had close links with the people already there and was therefore largely successful.  Discontented Pommies who would hark back to the way we did things "back home" were given short shift and told "to go back home then". Not many did !!
Of course this dialogue would be in English, or at least a branch of the language that was understandable.

A far cry from the immigration to these shores. The new immigrants circumstances in the land they came from was vastly different.
Not only language but culture and religion divided the new comer from the people living here. No wonder the people arriving were drawn into their own ghettos where their ethnicity was a comfort to them but a challenge to the people living amongst them. Bradford, Birmingham, and of course London were the focus and are now the focus of the riots.

The people who made the decisions made them on economic terms.  The people who had to make it work on a day to day basis, the existing working class, living in the towns and cities were given no help and there began the the distrust and disillusion we saw in the riots of London.

As a society we are poorly served by the class structured establishment that makes up and delivers the decision making process. 
They have no need to evaluate in depth the consequences of their actions and decisions.

There is and always has been a disconnect between the "People" and their "Rulers" and whilst the Englishman and Women are patient and docile the new breed of "Englishman and Women are not and so disquiet becomes violence.

In the push to strip the young male of his "hunter gatherer" masculinity, feminise him and  blend him into the docile mix that the Establishment desires, the tensions of a subjugated, undervalued, gender specific sect emerge and we wonder why and what went wrong.      

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