Saturday 14 July 2012


There is a school of thought that suggests that the "me" is a composite of the "mind" and that the body is a far less important element of who I am. The Buddhists for instance believe that through meditation one can clear out the noise of the thoughts that jangle in the head, the conflicts, the confusion so that one attains a state of singularity, a peace, where the real you is to be  found.
Clearing out that "noise" which distracts us is very rewarding. It allows us to evaluate everything for what is really worth. It creates a whole different perspective on what we value.

The economy.  Well clearly through "Bank Globalisation" and the experiment to dissolve debt into so many packages more easily digestible to the global economy as a whole, has come a cropper because it  lost that vital element,"confidence".  Confidence made the bad look good and now we are back in the real world where bad is, what it always was - bad !! 

Easy credit made people take what ever common sense they had and bin it for the Ponzi scam that the financial world sold us.
The debt mountain is now so large that without wholesale devaluation and with it, the pain of substantial inflation, I can't see how the Western Capitalistic System can survive.  Unemployment will balloon as companies close and Welfare will probably fail as the taxable income needed to support Welfare wither away. Social unrest will become the norm and we will degenerate as a society.

This of course is not the message the media are putting across. They suggest that the Politicians pumping new money into the financial environment will sort out the problem but it is a sticking plaster covering a wound that is still infected.
The Banks don't trust each other and therefore won't lend to each other and the system freezes. Debt cutting by the Americans and Europeans means that unemployment rises and tax revenues fall. Growth needs the credit system to be re stimulated but that was the cause of our dilemma so how do we feed the financial monster to keep it happy without sowing more eventual destruction.

They created a monster and I doubt if there is any way they can put it back in the bottle !!! 

Three years on.  

The streets are dirty with rubbish not collected. The roads,  full of potholes and cars , evermore abandoned through lack of fuel. Shops are boarded up with only the occasional cheap tat, (anything for a pound) place surviving.

People roam the streets looking for work or food despairing and afraid to return home to those accusative eyes.

Planes are grounded, the airport empty as are the hotels and guest houses. People are weary of travel, the stories of deep poverty on the continent and the inherent danger of setting out to see the ruin's,  but then everything is a ruin now !! 

The young have become feral, having no future they wander around in gangs intent on ravaging what ever has value.          

The wealthy, largely those who work or used to work in the Banking industry now sit behind their high walls, a protection from the rabble, to continue living in  pockets of "the way things were".

TV  switched off because it serves only a diet of despair and despondency and reflects the inherent rage of a population who were fed a rotten hand !! 

Be happy !!


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