Saturday 14 July 2012

A new day

Walking down by the river the other morning, I was early, beating even the fishermen, to their quiet contemplative world of early morning bird song and the quick splash of water as one disturbed the river bank. It was bright, the sun had just climbed over the horizon, the "morning chorus" was starting a beautiful array and variation of song in the clear air. Tensions are low in the early morning,  there is the palpable joy of a new day unfolding and it is reflected in the birds and animals as they instinctively start the search for food.
I had my camera with me and kept stopping to capture the scene. 
If you enjoy taking in your surroundings and allow the little things around to play out in your conciousness, your mood, any sensitivity you have for where  you are and your involvement in the moment, a camera can capture that moment to share it with others. 
In times gone by there was a lot of jiggery pokery to take the shot, now a days its point and shoot. Then, you had to wait until all the film had been used up, sometimes months, with further delays whilst you sent the film off to be developed and returned. The outcome was that one often scratched ones head trying to remember where the shot had been taken and of whom !! Now its electronically stored on a chip for immediate recall !
I suffer from hay fever and one can visibly see the pollen hanging in the air in the clear morning light. Sometimes the air temperature holds the mist hanging, just above the surface of the river adding to the mystical event which is evidence of the life cycle taking place around us.
The quiet few words with someone walking by is like a communion of shared experience, both happy to be able to be out and around and sharing the occasion. "Beautiful day isn't it" "Are you going far" simple words for a simple occasion but a sense of, "its good to be up and alive".               

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