Sunday, 19 April 2020

Ideological altruism

Subject: Ideological altruism 

The essence of imitation and learning goes to the heart of what makes us special within the animal kingdom. Imitation is just that, an imitation without reasoning, a reflective image without the substance of what the reflective image is displaying. It's a snap shot without the thoughts leading up to the reasoning which will allow me to reach the goal behind the action which I'm trying to achieve.
A chimpanzee will correctly mimic the actions required to wash a dish in water but its pure chance if the dish is clean since the rational of why we clean the dish is missing. In humans this subconscious discrimination as to the purpose, is behind a string of actions, some relevant, some not relevant, it's  the real miracle of a human mind since it allows us to objectivise our learning towards an end.
This sifting out of what is relevant and what is not goes on throughout a child's early days and continues at a slower rate as we progress through life. Our cultural habits and our acceptance of things in general are part of this rationalisation which continues within the mind subconsciously and is part of the immersion which takes place in the specific environment we grow up in.
In a world 'super critical' of those who are not convinced by the need to re-brand ourselves and remould our instincts and our inherent prejudice, in effect casting off the learning which had been the identification of the character which our parents and the society at large had implanted to make 'the you' who now, or at least until recently, carried a name and a description which identified you. Now we are asked to assume the impossible, to merge cultural identity as if they were one and not that each is uniquely dependent on the country you were born in
All the subconscious filtering from childhood on wards which has seen the appropriation of at least a mental identity to describe my cultural character has now been called into question by a political set of conjectures designed to come to terms with the artificiality of today's 'new world '.  A hotchpotch of cultures, preferences and ideological justifications.
The old is thrown out for the new. A political expedient designed to allow the smooth functioning of a globalised world.
Cultural identity is thrown to the wind leaving people struggling to cope with alien concepts of what is right and what is wrong. It's an attempt to place us all on the same pitch, playing the same game but all one way, with only one goal. It's absurd but of course it's politically correct and that's all that matters.
The uniqueness of an Afghan tribesman or a Hungarian goulash eater, the deep introspection of a Muslim versus the lightweight version of Christianity our Church of England puts out,  the Icelander versus the Maasai warrior, are all thrown together by ideological altruism.

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