Friday, 12 September 2014

What if ?

What if ? What if Scotland gains independence why will such a change be so earth shaking as the politicians in England seem to describe.
The country's we know as Scotland and England will not change enormously there will be changes at the periphery, perhaps head offices will need to be relocated, perhaps the currency question is the most thorny but it is one that can be worked out over a number of years and should not beyond the whit of man to sort out. The industries in Scotland that have shareholders in England are no different to the industries we own across the world, the people from either country will continue to work and live where they choose and in so many ways things will go on as before.
Of course there will be bruised egos, particularly within the English Establishment which has established fiefdoms in both countries and who traditionally have complicated interlinking family shareholdings within both countries.
One important element is that currently the populations are united and vote for political parties that are represented in Westminster, the seat of power in both countries. The make up of the Scottish population leads it to vote for the Labour Party and the state of the Westminster Labour Party is going to be crucially effected by loosing these votes which of course will be a gain to the Conservative Party and in a finely balanced House of Commons it could produce a swing that will ensure Tory hegemony for years to come. 
What ever happens it will not be as earth shattering as the usual members of the chattering classes who appear on our screens each night, project.
For no other reason, when I see the Westminster bubble types up in arms I, perhaps perversely, feel that a shattering of the established view, warning us of "dower implications"  which will lead to irrevocable damage, one is ever more reminded of the extremely poor standing of politicians in Westminster and of how we have simply lost faith in them.

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