Tuesday, 9 September 2014

The referendum.

How our present is caught in its past. Often in a fast moving and developing society the past is irrelevant, particularly to the young who are the motivating force for any society. A society struggling to reinvent its-self in the face of unprecedented technological change, hoping to cope with the electorates ability to research opinions from a much wider spectrum of information and question the drip fed established line.
Our heads of state and the organisational structure which allows them to manipulate society, (government and the civil service), is extracted from an exclusive branch of society who were taught to believe "we are born to rule". Through exclusive and expensive selective schools, a class of people are bred to seek out their own as the future play-makers within the boardroom and the Establishment its self. 
It is only when you have the opportunity to break this self perpetuating mould can you forge a new system which encompasses a larger more representative section of the existing society. What we are witnessing in Scotland is a dignified example of true democracy at work.
"One man one vote" is the call of Westminster, Washington and in most countries of Western Europe but we know from experience that Western "Democracy" is a mirage made up of vested interests, where money plays the all important role.
It is only when you have a referendum with a single question, each citizen having one vote, not asked to consider the party ramifications but rather an issue that they feel, one way or the other has an answer that it is theirs personally to give and theirs alone.

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