Monday, 11 August 2014

The preacher man.

Watching and listening to an American evangelical preacher standing on a stage in London calling the people in the audience to come forward and be healed and watching people rush forward to fulfil their belief was scary.
The Evangelical Preacher was not an impressive person. Over weight. speaking in cliques, he drew the people out by confirming their hopes with a promise of merciful fulfilment, his rhetoric was emotional and to my ears deeply irrational depending, as it did, on faith to over-ride the medical / mental problems that his congregation suffered. It was simply a mental contrivance to suggest that a great power in the sky will heal a person because of a connection between the self proclaimed religious impresario on stage and the faithful who are more than willing to be convinced that they are part of a special religious event. It was deceitful in the extreme but of course the believer, be it of a religious nature or a political one is not rational they want something to happen which is itself a contrivance of their own desire and has little to do with reality.          

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