Friday, 29 August 2014

In an age of global communications we are in a unique position to watch the rival powers, claim and counter claim their part or their position on events around the world..
During the
Second World War, Herr Gobbles one of the original spin doctors, crafted his mis-information and doctored  the news in an attempt to influence the population. How he must be turning in his grave today as all the players and nations distort, as a matter of course any information that is out there. Be it in the fighting in the Ukraine or the Gaza Strip, in attempting to build a fast railway between London and the North of England or revealing the down side to any exploitation of natural resources anywhere in the world.
Part of the dis-information, "the lobby industry" is a powerful force in any democratic society simply because, the amount of money and the time and effort needed to persuade a course of action places an enormous bias in favour of those with deep pockets.
Crony capitalism where the factors of choice are skewed by the integration of big business and government, one influencing the other to obtain profit rather than the structural improvement for society as a whole which should be the aim of government.
Listening to the claim and counter claim of Sky/BBC v  Russian Television one is struck by the similarity of the tools used to persuade us.  Hi tech televisual production methods of selective film footage and interviews, experts brought on to reaffirm the bias and above all the fluent, leggy dolly birds to make us feel that the studio is just down our street and therefore authentic.
The West of course is full of descenting voices, its the price we pay for our freedom of expression and they queue up to condemn the system which gave them that freedom.
The Russians are far more taciturn when it comes discussing their own short comings since they are not given the freedom to stray far from the official line but that doesn't answer the question, is their official line much nearer the truth or has our truth become mired in the persuasive arguments which surround any profit motivated agenda ?        

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