Wednesday 9 December 2020

Where is the switch

Subject:Where is there switch 

Algorithms already make a mockery of ethical thought as they mathematically seeks to locate our weakness's and probe our probity, to disrupt our sense of enlightenment and feed us a fakery the world has never experienced before.  Anything and everything is up for grabs as technology replaces real for unreal, to the extent we can't tell the difference anymore. Our source of truth is demolished into fragments, images of half truths mixed up with untruths, lies and deceit with wholesale corruption. 
Society is defined by the epoch it lives through. The Mesopotamian period when mankind drew together to farm and share skills, the Greek/Roman epoch when, first philosophy and a sense of responsible society was born in Athens with later the fusion of a collective power through the Romans enabling them to envisage their concept of civilised society stretching far beyond the Italian peninsular. The Renaissance that resurgence of civilisation following those fallow years of the Dark Ages with art and civic pride adorning many cities in Europe right up until the Industrial Revolution when aesthetic beauty was replaced by the focus on manufactured goods and exploitation. 
Today we are experiencing the beginning of a new epoch, the epoch of connectivity and persuasion.  The power of Artificial Intelligence to outreach and perhaps replace human intelligence. It's the epoch of the replacement  of the human as we know ourselves, this mind orientated, fiercely independent animal who has progressed, through evolution, to finally invent its own nemesis. 
The insertion of AI into our relatively pedestrian thought process's will inevitably lead to the question, "do I need the human anymore".
All this in the wink of an evolutionary eye, it's not change built on experience but a manufactured perspective which has no sense of common good or improvement rather its the iteration of solutions which feed in on themselves to find an answer but in so doing lose sight of the question.
Taking ourselves out of the loop because we are too slow and cumbersome has the danger that all the ethical and moral checks and balances with be dumped, in the name of efficiency by an piece of mathematical reasoning.
Mankind risks the fate of being placed in an evolutionary cul-de-sack, like the dinosaurs on a road to extinction. We always kidded ourselves we would have a hand on the switch to power down but with fake news - where is the switch.


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