Wednesday 9 December 2020

The curmudgens world


Subject:A curmudgeons world

With the Trump supporters in Washington marching in the streets, the turmoil in Peru, the fighting in Eritrea and Erdogan stirring things up in Cypress by asking for partition of the island and that's to ignore the on going grievances in the Middle East the world this morning wakes up to disharmony. The pandemic far from over is a battle which we all have to win, or at least contain and whilst the church bells are silent each Sunday morning with the churches closed the communities holed up in their homes they only have the television and a diet of Netflix to look forward to.

Dominic Cummings has gone with his critiques even harping about the size of the box he was carrying of his belongings held in No 10. Is there no end to disharmony. "You sow what you reap" is the old adage but with that vehicle of unfiltered comment, the Internet bursting with vitriol, full of hatred, people, lashing out to voice their unhappiness and discontent will there ever be a time when we can just get on with our own lives and not bother with everyone else's. 
Perhaps I am not a good example with my blog giving me access to at least the dozen or so who read it, to voice my opinion. We all have opinions some formed through years of exposure and personal experience, others more flighty, taken by what you saw last night on YouTube often which doesn't drill down on problems giving them context. The dramatic images formed distort reality and with short attention spans, become the focus of many people's rage. 
I suppose at least it gets them out of their comfort zone and loosens the grip on the somnolent nature of a people satisfied, within a welfare society gone wrong, where 'rights' proceed common sense and dulls the realisation that we make our own rights by the actions 'we' take. 
In a world in which our stars are silly presenters who egg on contestants in yet another round of ghoulish shows on how to win fame and fortune as we seem to expect more and more bazaar performances, over the top shrieking and clearly fake enthusiasm. The salaries handed to these clowns is appalling. Earnings which ordinary people, the ones watching the show would take a lifetime to earn are obscene and provide another example of how out of step we are with reality. 
It's this distortion of reality which dismembers the people making up society today, the disconnect between ordinary and a different type of normal, a normal which is manufactured and which sadly we support in our choice of viewing.
Can the word curmudgeonly be applied to me as I find so much to grouse about these days. Is it the perennial epithet applied to someone who hasn't made his million and questions the methods now open to those that have. Is it plain sour grapes evinced by an 80 year old who fears he hasn't too many years left to comment.

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