Friday 1 May 2020

XX = YY or does it.

Subject: XX = XY, or does it.

In previous blogs, I'v tasked myself with trying to understand the differences between men and women. It's a mine field of conjecture and bias relying as it does on childhood experiences carried forward into adulthood which largely form ones opinion.
Watching my daughters conversion into motherhood and the untold reserves of energy and protective compassion she has for her baby has drawn me to the conclusion that under many circumstances women are far stronger than men. The emotional energy required to be a protective mother, especially when the child becomes ill, know no bounds. Put the child in danger and the mother would fall on the proverbial sword rather than walk away and it's this instinct which makes her a fearsome adversary when contesting anything to do with the child.
Speaking of strength, the corona virus has thrown up another interesting statistic, the male of the species is far more likely to succumb to the virus in its attack on the immune system. In this specific virus attack the immune system seems to respond by over compensating and produce more anti bodies than needed, causing the lungs to drown in mucus.

It's the well known characteristic that men have an X and a Y chromosome whilst women have two X chromosomes and it seems that it's the X chromosome which produces the fight back against the virus and having two X chromosomes gives women twice the options available to fight it. In this sense women are biologically stronger than men.
This all came from a program which discussed the differences between men and women The women participant on the program held the view that there was no difference between the sexes (gender has become a manipulative term) and both sexes were equal whilst the man taking part said that fundamentally this chromosome difference differentiating men from women in terms of the makeup of every cell in our bodies and was crucial in understanding our finite difference.
So on the one hand, the longstanding war of sexual equality, where the social constraints of ones upbringing provide the play we see as social equality or social inequality and the other force at play, the chromosome mix which lies at the base of life.

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