Saturday 2 May 2020

The virus might be small change to pay

Subject: The virus might be small change to pay.

Most of us, holed up at home waiting for the virus storm to pass are expectant that the the storm will pass and that we will be able to get on with our lives as usual.
Our natural inclination is to believe in solutions, from building bridges and roads across impossible terrain to putting a man on the moon anything is possible. The diseases which in the past used to kill people by the millions have in many cases been tamed and even virulent biological missteps like cancer can be pacified somewhat to provide a lengthening of life.
Things like a virus which crop up out of nowhere but in fact lurk either in the animal kingdom and miraculously leap across the species barrier or become a refinement of an existing disease something which normally our bodies immune system can handle but in its new form flummoxes our defences. These complex biological pathogens are part of nature, much like ourselves, they are not alien life force but part of the majestic complexity we call 'life on Earth' and as such are here to stay. If they, like us continue scrambling, like children for a place in the playground, then we must surely expect more skirmishes and regular revisits.
This is the case in many of the disorders which kill us in the field of medicine and the death toll accorded to Covid 19 will be much lower than many of the diseases which we accept as common,  contributing as they do  to the 54 million total deaths from all causes who die annually. Perhaps we will just have to allow Covid 19 to join that legion of bad guys who play against us, week in and week out.

The rush to a vaccine is under way with the politicians shouting from the sidelines to get a goal whilst the ref keeps his whistle poised to call up any sharp practice and let through a goal which will later be overruled by the VAR.
Mr Trump is in a frenzy to get his economy going again and would seize any opportunity to throw the referee under a bus but his diminutive medical advisor Anthony Fauci is a giant when it comes to standing up to this bully. The odds that there will be a breakthrough in under 18 months, given the strict protocols surrounding new drugs is slight but I have always been a bit sceptical in the insistence of upholding medical ethics when people are dying. It seems to me that those who are at deaths door would prefer the hope of being used as a guinea pig, irrespective of further complications, given that death is one of them.
Anyway the newspapers this morning are waking us up to the disaster of a deep recession which might make the virus 'small change' in the overall scheme of things.

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