Tuesday 22 October 2019

Its all manure

Subject: It’s all manure

Somehow the overcast sky's lent a vibrancy to the red tunics of the Household cavalry as they accompanied the State Coach down the Mall and into Parliament for the State Opening of Parliament. The pomp and circumstance is fully on display as the arcane event, which so represents that unseen aspect of this countries opinion of itself is played out.
The dress of these functionaries trace back hundreds of years, to a time when the monarch was in charge and parliament simply an aspect of the monarchs power. It's a moment when 'deference' is paramount and exceptionalism on display. It’s time to know your place and reflect on the unbridgeable gap which lies between you and them.
As Black Rod the first female in the role, approaches the door leading into the House of Commons. The door leading into the commons chamber is slammed shut so Black Rod bangs three times on the door demanding it be opened and the members of the House summoned to the House of Lords for an audience with her majesty.
Of course with the murky waters of Brexit swirling around the feet of all the members of both Houses, the very sovereignty of this place is on display and the hollow words spoken by the Queen, written by the PM on behalf of the government, is more seen as merely a screen to hide the ineffectuality of our ruling establishment. 
We all enjoy the applause of our peers, we often also enjoy the limelight and in the hothouse that is Parliament these days, the Lords and the Commoners are becoming a sideshow as people take to the streets with howls of protest about the incompetence of the parliamentary process.

The sight of yellow vested men sweeping up the horse manure on the road outside the Palace of Westminster speaks volumes to what has just occurred inside.

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