Tuesday 27 August 2019

Strolling away to their preferred tax haven

Subject: Strolling away to their preferred tax haven.
Society has grown intolerant of itself. People, individuals who make up society see in themselves the finished product and isolate their dreams and their compassion to a small circle of friends and family, forgetting the whole assembly we call humankind.
We see it all around us particularly in the political ideology of Jeremy Corbyn versus Boris Johnson. Today Corbyn has been giving a speech in which he talks tellingly of the people left behind in the recent Conservative push for a freer market economy and his plea to readdress the divide which has widened in society as it expresses itself in the cut back of social institutions created to provide a buffer from the reality of having little and yet able to gather in the village hall or the youth club, to know that at the end of life when we are at our most vulnerable a provision will be available.
But listening to Corbyn preach his socialist nirvana one is conscious of a dwindling audience, an audience who have grown cynical of others, even the next door neighbour. Our better senses blunted by the torrent of news which seems about the mishaps of others, not ourselves. We trawl the channels to watch shows depicting the down and out, the people thrown out by the county sheriff with his all powerful court order, people who are bewildered and vulnerable but who have been chosen by the landlord to be evicted. I'm not saying the landlords are always wrong in wanting to evict and one is aware of unscrupulous tenants who not only exploit their rights but who refuse to pay the rent knowing that the municipality will provide a safety net if and when they are forced out but there is a growing trend to see the tenant as a commodity, even worse, an opportunity. As the viewing population is hardened to the real life stories, becoming effectively a voyeur to the pain and suffering of a certain cohort in society which from a distance and can only wonder at how transient their lives are.. Hardened to believe that everyone can be a winner, if only they try and that losers have only themselves to blame there is no social conversation which seeks to find answers and ameliorate the collective opinion.
Boris and his pals will always have a sound bite to hand a promise of more goodies, words spreading out like confetti on the wind, a moments banter proclaimed as social policy.
As we spread our wings, only to find we can not fly and start to hurtle onto the rocks below, we look back to the cliff edge to see the likes of Boris and Rees-Mogg, hand in hand, strolling away towards  their preferred tax haven.

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