Saturday 17 August 2019

Ode to pregnancy

Subject: Ode to pregnancy.

I think it is acknowledged that if men were required to carry an unborn baby inside them with all the discomfort it brings, the human race would die out. Men could simply not be asked to put their lives on hold for nine months whilst their bodies changed to cope with a growing child inside, the hormonal adjustments, the physical impact on their capacity to move around, the mental impact of coping with discomfort as the baby makes demands on its presence and the soreness, irritation, pangs of pain, the loss of sleep and the grumpiness brought on by all of this. Men are not cut out for this. Their eruptive contribution is only a moment of self gratification which, as they roll away, states "it's over to you now girl".
The reason this is brought to mind is that I have had a rough few days myself and as I warm to my self pity. A few days of discomfort, a few days of sleepless nights, a tummy which was being disrupted with the dull throb of pain brought on by a bladder infection.
Tossing and turning to find some relief, occasionally getting up to vomit in the toilet, shivering hot and cold with fever, dizzy and discontented I was not a happy chappie.
I suppose one difference was, my pain was menacing, it carried a hostile, malevolent message that all was not well and that the future might hold a great deal of uncertainty.
The pregnant woman sees the disruptive nature of the baby as a positive. The painful kicks, a fore teller of life not death, a unique bond which should bring great happiness.
The child already has a personality forming in the mother's mind, the communication between the two is well underway. We don't know the thoughts which flow through the babies mind but the thoughts which flow through the mother are always tempered with love. The anticipation for the great experiment to begin, the early years when the assimilation of the child's needs become the mother's direction in life.
The mid years when the child begins to recognise its own responses and needs and yet still stays close to the mother's skirt, just in case. And then, the terrible years of teenage angst when battle lines are formed until, like a chrysalis he or she throws off all that protective advice and go their own way to the mother's plaintive cry, "be careful"
My discomfort was very personal, very self centred, the Moms is tied up in the marvel of creation, probably the most important thing we do whilst we are here on earth

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