Wednesday 20 March 2019

There is no evil other than in men's hearts

Subject: FW: There is no evil other than in men's hearts.
Listening to the Home Secretary, Mr Sajid Javid  respond to questioning in the House of Commons regarding his decision to ban the return of the Muslim girl who went off to join IS the radical terrorist group in Syria. Constitutional rights stretching back 200 years were  invoked against him, rights designed to ensure that people born here could not loose their right to live here and become stateless.
Many conventions on our statute book bear little or no relevance to the world we live in today. Local bylaws which guard the rights of the squire and his horse are still entrenched and can be used in the most unusual circumstances. The rights of citizens which were envisaged long before the most recent IS Caliphate determined that we, the non Muslim were the enemy by dint of being non Muslim. The barbarous acts which were televised to remind us of their disdain of our kafir (unbeliever)status and make clear the distance they wish to maintain.
Setting off in contravention of UK law to join the terrorist who's proclaimed aim was the eventual  overthrow of all non Muslim states, which include us, made the UK citizen treasonable joining such a group treasonable. Treason I remind you is the crime of betraying ones country by attempting to kill for the reason of overthrowing the government.
People who joined the caliphate did so with the aim of effecting by force the Jihad, the Muslim holy war which was intended to transform the non Muslim world into a Muslim one functioning under sharia law.
As MPs jump to their feet to issue their condolence for the woman who wishes to return to the UK and have her newborn baby looked after in the NHS, sympathy for her motherhood and her rights as a UK citizen emblazoned in their speeches, one has to wonder why no matter how often the woman has been given the opportunity she has shown no remorse for the multiple executions or the ideology which would see us all under an alien religious dictatorship.
The agenda for 'human rights' is skewed and distorted once again by the apologists for humanity in all of its guises. There is no evil for them other than in men's hearts.

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