Friday 22 March 2019

 Self protection in all its guises.
There seems to be a major critique about critique. It's unpopular to criticise so many things these days, one fears that what was thought of as 'another opinion', is now isolated by terms such as racialism and homophobia which, when accused gets any further discussion closed down. It's a shame because people who have a perfect right to disagree with mainstream thought, become the bogeymen of mainstream thought and vilified by mainstream media.
Television is an enormous image maker, we watch and we swallow verbatim what ever is presented as fact. Panels are stacked with mainstream thought, and document makers are continually pursuing mainstream thought as they seek to encroach on any last vestiges of free thought. The media industry is bent on uniform conformity, the idea that certain 'norms' must be maintained for the sake of a peace in a  multicultural setting has become sacrosanct,  as if multiculturalism was a norm in itself.
It used be argued that society is normal when it is uniform and tribal. When the extended family resemblance it terms of ethnicity and speech and custom allowed the society to coalesce on the balance of their own sense of what is uniform.
Today we are in the hands of the specialists, the psychologists, the anthropologists, the orientation specialists and the behavioural analyst who seem to be everywhere judging new social formats as they arise, hand in hand with the legal experts who give this new world, legal representation.
The traditionalist who remember the uncomplicated simplistic world, as it used to be are but chaff in the wind of change. The forces aligned against them are powerful and they inform the media to put out the message conform or be judged. The uncluttered bias of the one, pitted against the bias of the other. Who is right and who is wrong seems secondary to the will of this plethora of minority voices, and of course as the social strata grows more complex these minority voices grow mor strident.
So today you can't have an opinion unless it's been vetted.
To speak ill of the Jews for instance or of Israel, irrespective of your personal reasons for doing so is to invite the sword of Damocles. Ask Jeremy Corbyn, who each day is vilified, not for making statements against the Jews but for not disclaiming those who do. Yesterday an MP was thrown out of the party for stating that he felt that the criticism within the Labour Party by the Jewish lobby regarding some Party members  criticism of the Israeli Jews, particularly in their handling of the Palestine population, had gone too far and for this, the equally toxic nature of Jewish criticism, had demanded his head. The Labour Party in its inception stood for the defence of the rights of the working man and in those days had  the Jewish Business fraternity in its sights. Tribal interests of 'money changing' had established the image of the Jewish people in positions of power across Europe. Much of the hatred, and there was hatred and resentment in those days which came from the ability of Jewish finance to ride the waves of The Depression by moving their money around the banks to which they were closely linked through a preponderance of Jewish control and ownership. Labour saw the inequality of the working man and woman's daily pittance and the razor edge that occasional work brought them. The exclusivity of the tribe, with its tight social gate keeping placed members of the Jewish community in a position of affluence and influence which the poor could only marvel at. The Labour Party questioned some of the practices which maintained this wealth and for the sons of the sons of the sons who railed against the unfairness of it all, they simply have long memories.
The exclusivity of the Jewish family strikes a discord with the concept of multiculturalism but this is air brushed out of the discussion, using tribal rights as the reason whilst distinctly ruling out the equally tribal rights of the white working class.
The Blairite movement who have never let go of the Labour Party, despite the attempts of Momentum to turn the direction of the Party in a different direction away from the comfort of the middle class towards the Party's original roots, the working class. Many of these Blairite's are themselves Jewish and see in Corbyn and Momentum  the enemy. Their friends in the media, again disproportionally drawn from Jewish society, are all too willing to publish inflammatory and condemnatory speeches of any sort showing opposition to Corbyn and Momentum.
These opinions which I hold and write today would inevitably have me also thrown out of the Party,  much as the historically correct statements surrounding the Nazi Parties discussions with leading Jews in Israel to extricate the Jews from Germany in 1936 to Israel got that old socialist Ken Livingston made a pariah and also booted out by the same Jewish clique within the Party.
This is not race mongering, it's opinion based on historical fact but historical fact never got in the way of self protection.

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