Wednesday 26 September 2018

Walking on water

Subject: Walking on water.

Lobbyists are a powerful force in the land particularly since the internet now feeds their commentary into all our homes virtually 24/7. Like many people I have formed opinions based on my experience my upbringing my choice of books and the literature I choose to read. The choice does of course presuppose the outcome since we usually chose what to read. 
Most of the television we watch  is bland in so far as seeing and hearing extremist opinion, the organisation well aware of the cost of unresearched gossip.
Not so the "shock jock" radio station who's very purpose is to be controversial.
From a diet of careful prudence which is today's televisions carefully scripted output it's exciting to listen to the blather of a radio host who is out to provoke, and who thrives on the controversial.  Fake News is different though through its agenda to willingly distort and deliberately mislead, all part of the tool kit of news dissemination. 
But political agenda and the half truth of an excitable shock jock is not far behind this dissemination. Information which fly's out of the mouths of these highly paid demagogues is largely based on popularism. Popularism is a trade we learnt in the playground. Who were the popular guys and what was their tune, it paid dividends to stay close, even if you disagreed. (I never did and bare the scars to show for it). The gains to quote the latest prejudice were an easy m
notch on your tricky path to status. It was difficult to stand out and say no that's wrong.

Jeremy Corbyn has had to undergo a continuous barrage of viperous slander not only from the government benches but also from his own party where his stunning election left the tried and ineffectual Blairites feeling very sore. Not only in the corridors of Westminster Palace but in the corridors of what used to be known as Fleet Street. His rise to power from a lifetime of being a vocal back bencher was seen as a destabilising influence on the established cohort who rule our lives. The movers and shakers who's position is often reliant on the school tie were astounded to see an avowed left wing trouble maker rise to within a cats whisker of political control. Since his victory there is not a day goes by without some slander attached to his name and at a time when the government should be held firmly to account. 
As our social services dissemble into bankruptcy for lack of central government funds brought about by George Osborne ideological neoliberal free market capitalism. The media, in nearly all its forms, opens its front pages with anti Corbyn taunts. The latest being the shrill chest pounding from the Jewish lobby who, with  influence everywhere, demand their voice be heard. Perhaps the assumption "that they walk on water" has been the fault line running through many democracies.

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