Wednesday 26 September 2018

Paying for your sanctity

Subject: Paying for your sanctity

Of course it could be argued we live in a multicultural world as if multiculturalism was the norm and we are obliged to get used to it. The truth is there is little multiculturalism in many of the countries where the bulk of immigrants come from. This distortion of world wide multicultural acceptance is made even more acute by comparing the efforts of India, China, Russia and Japan to readily accept people from other countries to settle in their land. It's a resounding nil and so one is faced with only the western democracies who are bombarded with the taunts of being racism and anti humanitarian. The norm outside the ideologically stressed West is of closed borders and authoritarian government.
We of course are continually told that multiculturalism is good and for world accord, is necessary. Being drip fed a diet of moral and ethical prejudice we fear our own true feelings especially if we try to moderate this lust for multiculturalism.
Even when we are told that the immigrant brings their own exclusive customs which are usually portrayed as a cultural necessity for them and part of what makes them who they are, there is no attempt at a quid pro quo with our own culture, since apparently we have so much to learn from the new.
It's all codswallop. Our democracy has softened us up to persuasion and the global economic imperative dictates who comes and who goes.
If when we lose our distinctive cultural identity, as we have in many of the cities around the nation. If when we lose the power of being a majority in the land and instead the majority is formed along religious lines, a religion which is alien within this largely secular country. If when the hard won minorities rights are squashed by an intolerant patriarchal brother-hood which takes its lead from a society born in 600AD and which still professes a strict  observance to rules formed then, in that distant past. A time of no relevance to the current day. If these things come about, the movers and shakers who brought it about will no longer be here having shipped out to a raft of exclusive islands fortified against those without the cash to pay for their sanctity.

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