Sunday 15 July 2018

The artificiality syndrome

Subject: The artificiality syndrome
The World Cup has started in Russia and the journalists have flocked to there to write their controversial pieces about the football, about the politics and about the society at large. The verbiage has to be controversial otherwise the editor back in London who has an eye on the 'sensation lusting public' (how else could you describe the public who in their millions buy the Sun, the Express and the Mail, each signified with their gory, rabble rising  headlines). The cliches are being thrown around already. The racially motivated, violence within Russian society who's political masters will stop at nothing to win as evidenced by the almost industrial scale drug abuse by the Russian athletes, the use of cyber space to effect change in western democracies and the removal of anyone who opposes Mr Putin.  So starting off with the premise that the Russian society is bad, their journalism is bent on digging the dirt.
Brought up in cities across Europe and America, the Fourth Estate is often used by the State to propagate a societal contrivance "the common view" which of course, speaking to real people is not common at all but rather a "manipulated state speak", an attempt  to close down dissension amongst the masses.
The Russian authorities are past masters of propaganda and spreading false news but clearly we in the west are not far behind. The words racially motivated or misogynist usually close down any debate, so strong has grown the prejudice towards people who would uphold values which do not conform with the conformity the governments wish us to hold. 
In our "brave new world" with its increasing ability to terrorise us with propaganda, we believe what we read and we read what "others" wish us to believe. The emphasis on multiculturalism and the need to embrace cultures which we don't understand and inherently go against our own sense of right and wrong is portrayed as at the least unhelpful and worse our hesitancy is called out as racially motivated, which in the world of 'state speak' is a heinous crime.
The fact that black people can be just as racially motivated against white people is brushed aside with the claim that they were and are that oppressed section of society and therefore they are simply venting both historically based anger as well as their contemporary unhappiness (a far more complex question) and is perfectly normal. 
Backed up by a press which has become lazy with stereotypes it makes it almost impossible to have an open debate on so many subjects which are already prescribed as being off limits.

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