Sunday 15 July 2018

It's not coming home

Subject: "It's not coming home"

"It's not coming home" The competition for the English team is over in so far as winning the cup is concerned but at least it has left many productive memories, not least of a new and fresher perspective of Russia.
When Keiren Tripper stepped up to take the first free kick of the game in the 6th minute and slotted a beautifully controlled shot over the heads of the Croatian defence I thought "Its coming home". This young inexperienced team were repeating their previous games with episodes of football opportunism that wins games.
The team have no real playmaker, Kane is a brilliant poacher but not a tactician who can guide and dictate the game like Paul Pogba. There is no one of the brilliance of Mbappe to split a defence apart by running at defenders and turning them with his ferocious speed and ball control. Our players have the exuberance of youth to try anything but when up against an experienced side of seasoned professionals their ideas began to lose potency and with it the verve which had served them well in previous matches. Croatia are not a great team, rather they stuck to their task and wore down the young English bloods who became dispirited as the game wore on.
Refreshingly the North European teams, who have come through to contest the final stages of the tournament have done so without the theatrics  of the South American sides. The grappling in the goalmouth, the writhing on the floor for the slightest tackle all this had begun to bring the game into disrepute and make it a farcical spectacle.
Eventually the game won out with in my opinion France the clear leaders. Their game against Argentina was the best game of the tournament and the tactical display against Belgium was masterful.
A great tournament played in near perfect conditions to full house apparently happy crowds. As a piece of propaganda it replicated the London Olympics in organisation and public appeal and whilst the mastications of political life in a dictatorship bear no relationship to a democracy with all is public spats and upheaval played out daily it has caused many in the West to question our continuing diet of uneven media protestation.
How much is false news or perhaps have our senses become so blunted with scepticism that we wouldn't be able to evaluate anyway.

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