Thursday 15 March 2018

Time passes

Subject: Time passes.
The concept of an ethical progression from childhood into old age and tying that progression into our sense of being isolated in infancy (the mothers love is taken for granted) with 'individual self awareness' which progresses as we grow into and through the other phases of our lives. Are there characteristics where narcissistic tendencies are more prevalent as we seek to set our own seal of who we are on those around us. The game of finding a mate is specifically a torturous time of assessment, of fitting ones own cultured idea of oneself into an amalgam of another's likes and dislikes. We contrive to possess the gilded cloak of attractiveness, (like the birds strutting  around the female, puffing ourselves up) with what we conceive is what the other party desires and ultimately we often make a fool of ourselves.
Move on a few years and we learn that the deceit is revealed and one begins years of often painfully accommodation trying to find sufficient common ground, to begin again with a more honest assembly of facts.
The years advance, the accommodation begins to loose its poignancy and is replaced sometimes with anger at missed opportunities for real personal growth but in the end there is a quietus, a resolve that life is what it is and that our character played such a large part in its success or failure.

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