Thursday 15 March 2018

The 'peoples bank' is going bankrupt

Subject: The 'people bank' is going bankrupt.
As we become hysterical  about the weather outside, as the train companies take their services off line (no pun intended) as the schools close and the authorities swing into action with their coloured flags to tell us whether it's 'safe' to go out, it all reminds me of a country which has become institutionalised and brain dead.
Of course their are people who have become stuck in traffic queues spending hours in a freezing cold car is certainly no fun but I would suggest that that is the worst which can befall you other than suffering hyperthermia as an old person unable to afford to switch on the heating.
In countries who are used to heavy snow fall and sub zero temperature life goes on as normal because for them it is normal but in this country we have a swath of 'experts' waiting to give their prognosis and not wanting to be caught out like the famous weather forecaster John Kettle who in 1988 said an approaching storm would be something and nothing but which turned out to be the biggest most damaging blow of the century they prophesy the worst.  Not wishing to enter the Parthenon of getting it wrong, everyone these days strays into the red of calamity, "stay at home" is the call.
I was listening to a long list of well known high street names who have recently gone into receivership. It makes chilling (the other kind) listening. Established companies, house hold names, going to the wall in the face of 'on line shopping'. Amazon's boss Jeff Bizos has become the richest man in the world as he continues to expand and exploit our willingness to shop from the arm chair. Goods of all kinds, things which you would have thought necessary to evaluate in some sort of way we now seem to prefer to chance our arm and order from a catalog of specification and a host of online recommendation.
The only people venturing out are the delivery people who will struggle through the snow, come what may to put a crust on their table.
Amazons quest to make their warehousing and dispatching automated and robotised, with driverless vehicles just over the horizon to deliver to our door makes one wonder who will be employable to afford the goods which Amazon displays.
A Brave New World is unfurling where the untrained unemployed will become evermore superfluous, a burden on the books, and the nations who hold many of them will go bankrupt.

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