Sunday 10 September 2017


Subject: Revenge.

As we hear the limited feedback from the UKs minister David Davis, who's job it is to negotiate with Michel  Barnier the EU representative, I am repeatedly drawn to the description Yanis Varoufakis  the former Greek Finance Minister  in his book describing the tribulations he had in negotiating with Europe. The power block politics, the deceit and runaround he was given by the unelected officials who run the European Project.
From the German ringmaster Wolfgang Schauble, who's word no one seems able to oppose, to Thomas Wiesner and Jeroen Dijesselbloem all powerful men in the Commission along with men like Declan Costello and Mario Draghi who make up a decision making forum which controls, with an iron fist, the paltry claims by individual governments of the countries who make up the Union.
It's a Machiavellian assembly designed to get things done at the behest of the strongman of Europe, Germany.
Varoufakis writes in his book 'Adults in the Room', telling first hand of his experiences at the hand of this cabal. His was a description written from the point of view of a country which wanted to continue to be a member, not from a traitor who wishes to leave.
If Varoufakis is to be believed David Davis is dealing with wolves who show no compunction or a willingness to deal open handedly. The ideology which supports the European Union can not be modified, even the reasoned arguments about giving Greece a chance to grow her economy to provide the debt repayment which eventually became Christine Legrands  IMFs position, was ignored. It was an anathema to  Schauble and therefore ruled out by the controlling force behind a united Europe, Germany.
David Davis is negotiating with a man Barnier who is merely  a front man, who's hands are tied by the men who wield the real power. If Greece is anything to go by there will be no give or take.  It's not a negotiation between reasonable people, it does not even consider the outcome, rather its an ideological argument which has at its heart punishment for daring to leave and destabilise our cosy arrangement.
The outcome seems already difficult. If the UK had thought an easing of the ties would still allow free access to market they are in for a shock. It is becoming an all or nothing debate with little thought to the consequences. The idea that a meeting where the pros and cons are debated and an agreement in the best interests of both parties is already off the table.
The people who will make the decisions from the European side were merciless towards the plight of the Greek people, their financial arrangement was to recoup the bailout money back into the German Banks as quickly as possible even if it meant twisting the strict EU financial rules to do so. Austerity was the only solution in the Schauble hand book. "Squeeze them until the pips squeak".  
So David Davis with his friendly grin and a reasonable agenda, to break the ties which tie a single nation to Europe so they can negotiate with other nations as a single entity is swimming with sharks. There is little economic downside for Europe and quite an appreciable political upside as the 'enfant terrible' is released to go their own way and no longer rock the boat. But like most divorces there are grievances which have simmered for years and it's in the terms of the settlement that revenge comes to the surface and reveals the true bile of at least one of the parties.

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