Saturday 23 September 2017

Diversity is a weapon against white people.

Subject: Re: "Diversity" Is a Weapon Against White People

Red Ice is propaganda station based in Sweden and North America. It's ideology is based on off-setting the bias we receive each day regarding ethnicity and the need for diversity.
In the west the need for cheap labour has meant that for the last 60 years there has been a need, by successive governments to incentivise immigration. A falling birth rate, an ageing population and the need to overwhelm organised labour by flooding the labour market with people willing to work longer and for less. A Capitalist dream.
In so doing there arose the twin track approach of down playing nationalism and up playing the importance of diversity. Part of the story was to disparage the past and the West's role in exploration, and exploitation. The two went hand in hand since there were no trade equivalents and the stark differences between the early colonised nations and those who arrived from Europe meant that the trade off was always going to be to the advantage of the more sophisticated European.
The fear was that the potential violence of racism in Europe which up until and including the Second World War had been a violence based on nationalism in the form of jingoism would be violence based on the immigrant and business couldn't or wouldn't allow this to happen. The dread was that the incoming people who came from countries newly inoculated with western culture would be intimidated by the local population and so the spectre of the "importance of diversity" was launched and has become, along with gender diversity, mental diversity, able bodied diversity, key indicators in our new social health check. Fail on any one and you are cast out by the new age bigots who advise you that your satisfaction in being  a white, able-bodied man, is somehow misplaced.
The truth of course always lies a little deeper than a video which has been made specifically to counter the onslaught of Political Correctness. But It does no harm to have a counterweight to the equally bigoted views held by so many factions in our society today.

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