Saturday 11 February 2017

Fake News

Subject: Fake News

Currently there's a big 'hoo ha' about Fake News. It's a term brought into prominence by Donald Trump in his diatribe against the main media and its demonising of him.
Of course the term is meant to describe the stories put out over the web which slot into people's consciousness even if they are absurd and silly because we have become over time, an absurd and silly audience.
People who's attention span is nearly overwhelmed by a statement made on Twitter, who's method of communicating is by a trail of seemingly unconnected letters, "wtf",  but as in a code makes a whole new collective meaning for the young. A new sort of undercover way of expressing themselves without much effort.  Like using 'smileys' although a smile is never far away from a smiley.
There is great concern that the Internet has allowed communication to get away from the control the Establishment wants to have over the communication the nation needs to receive. Propaganda, and lies are the tools of the main press as much as they are for the malicious stories released on the net. The Sun, the Mail, the Express are continually inventing news in the sense that they invent a slant on the factual news that has little to do with the actual story. The columnist in their columns trade opinion for news and we are encouraged to believe them rather than the factual story.
The drip drip of mis-information is  Kafkaesque in its mission to impregnate a mis-truth in the nations psyche
So "Fake News" is nothing new it's just that the Genie is out of the bottle and heaven knows where it will lead us.
Hopefully, not to be so gullible and for us all to form our own opinions with a bit of checking and a whole dollop of cynicism if it comes from a politician of any persuasion.

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