Saturday 11 February 2017


Subject: Experts

"Experts" the world is awash in experts. One of the problems with experts is that they live in their own bubble, they consume there own prognosis to the extent that they can't see what's happening in front of them.
In the field of politics the experts endlessly pontificate about what politicians think and how they are manoeuvring to cut their colleagues down to size. Columns of words are written by the columnists virtually every day with their media shadows appearing on our screens, on the hour each hour repeating 'ad nauseam' the experts tittle tattle.
So much weight is given to the 'pollsters', another bunch of experts, who examine the polls and base their predictions on a carefully chosen cross section of the populous who are asked to comment about their intentions. A little like the weather, human emotion is very complex and extremely difficult to predict. Politics for many is based on emotion and not rational thought and so we see the swings between what the public tell the pollsters and what they do when they enter the voting booth. Never the less, being experts, they 'tell' us rather than advise and we have seen time and time again, most spectacularly in the last general election when they were predicting a hung parliament which the Tories won quite easily.
In the sporting arena I am constantly annoyed to hear the experts expounding from their predetermine script, unable to see what is happening on the screen in front of them, unable to adapt their fixed pre evaluated opinions.
You see in front of your eyes events unfurling, perhaps in a marathon, where the favourite is dropping behind but they continue to plough on and speak as if the favourite is still a contender, as if what we see on our screens isn't happening, commentating from notes they have prepared beforehand.
I suppose we all do it in one way or another, we all script our reaction to most comments by responding with an "appropriate" response rather than thinking on our feet and sometimes being controversial in calling black, white or deliberately going against the flow of the company you are in to speak of your own convictions.

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